Please fill in the following online form and click once on the SUBMIT button at the bottom to have the completed form sent to Abe. We recommend that you print a copy of the contract for your own records. If prepaying for a visit, include the printed and signed form with your payment when mailing to:

address: P. O. Box 13, Jasper, GA 30143
phone: 770-402-0917

Date of contract:

We, the undersigned school or group would like to arrange to have your program. We understand the main assembly for grades three(3) and up is approx. one hour long; ABE will then visit with the classes K & 1 grouped together for approx. 15-20 minutes; and, then with grade 2 classes grouped together for approx. 30 minutes. ABE has learned after 41 years that grades K - 2 are too young to sit still for a one hour assembly and will do much better in shorter mini-assemblies. The remainder of the day will be spent as suggested in the attached schedule. Please follow it as closely as possible.

The price for this motivational, educational and historical program for an all-day visit to one location is $695 PLUS LODGING. Price for a half-day event $400. If you would like to have Mrs. Mary Todd Lincoln included in the visit please add $250 for all-day visit or $150 for one-half day visit. This program DOES qualify for Federal drug-free funding so check with your drug-free coordinator.

ABE enjoys staying with a nonsmoking family or your school may book and pay for ABE's lodging at a nearby motel.

requested date of appearance:
name of school or sponsoring group:
name of Principal or contact person:
contact person home phone:
contact person e-mail address:
mailing address (if different):
directions (please give directions your mother could follow):
school phone: grades: total students: school hours:
fee to be paid upon completion as agreed upon
All-day visit by ABE is $695
Half-day visit by ABE is $400
With Mary Todd Lincoln included for all day add $250 for total of $945
With Mary Todd Lincoln included for half-day add $150 for total of $550
signature of responsible person (if mailing in this completed form with prepayment):

Payment will be expected upon completion of program or you may deduct a $30 DISCOUNT if prepaid in full at least 30 days in advance with this contract. ABE will also take time to autograph his new book, "Image in the Mirror" for those wishing to purchase one. ABE looks forward to visiting your school. Honest!!